They were running late for Brayden's MRI. It was supposed to be 40 minutes, but it ended up lasting 1.5 hours. That is a long time for him to be expected to sit, movie or no movie! It took longer because he was tapping his hands to the beat of the MRI machine or was flicking his fingers in rhythm. Goofy guy! The extended time threw us off for the rest of the morning!
We had to run to get bloodwork done, which was a fasting bloodwork so we had no choice but to wait to eat! By the time the MRI was done, it was 8:45. We sprinted to the lab for the bloodwork and got there to find a sign saying they opened at 9, before that you were to visit the lab 2 buildings over and a floor down. We JUST came from over there, but had to sprint back. We had a 9:00 appointment (back in the building that the lab that was closed was in). We ran back and made it by 9:15.
The first scheduled appointment was an Echocardiogram. Then immediately after Brayden had an EKG. Both of these appointments were quick and easy! Brayden did great and sat patiently, even after the LONG MRI! The last appointment in the morning was with the Cardiologist! He said Brayden's heart looks great and he talked with us more about the SVT that Brayden also has (extra pathway in his heart). He confirmed that Brayden didn't use that extra pathway and there is no real concern right now. The only thing that really had us thinking was they wanted to know if we wanted to start him on cardiac medicine. Todd and I are so up in the air about that. He doesn't NEED it yet and there is no proof that starting it now will help him in the future. It won't hurt him either and it won't prevent him from doing anything. We decided to wait a year til his next appointment and they will inject dye at his next MRI to get a clear picture of how his heart looks.
We were starving after this and ran back to the hotel to get the gang (my mom, Todd's mom, Nathan and Caroline). We ran to get a quick bite for lunch and went back to the hospital for his last appointment, which was the pulmonologist. Brayden really wanted Grandma to go back with him so the three of us went in the room. Brayden had us laughing, he is such a little clown! He had to do a lot of breathing exercises and he did great!
We had a couple of errands to run after the last appointment and then we came back to the hotel to let the boys swim while I fed Caroline. We met up with a great friend at the Mets vs. Reds baseball game and had dinner in the a/c and went out to enjoy the rest of the game! It was a blast! The Mets won, which was a great way to end our day!
Tomorrow is our last day of appointments. It will be a long one because the appointments are stretched out. Our first one is at 9:30 so I can handle that! We have 4, the last one being at 4:00. The gang is going to head to the Cincinnati Children's Museum and we will swing by during one of our breaks (hopefully!). Sorry for the quick update, but it is late and I am EXHAUSTED (and am the only one still awake!).
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