I can't believe it's already April! In just 3 more days my baby girl will be 6 months old. That is half a year! We are halfway to her first birthday! I just can't believe it. She is so much fun and we all just enjoy every minute with her. It takes nothing to make her smile!
The boys have been sick with the flu. Brayden was out of school Tuesday-Thursday and finally went back today. Poor guy was so sick! I think he had a touch of the tummy bug too on Tuesday as he complained his belly hurt all day long and he did get sick twice. He had a fever and now has a cough/cold. I took him to the doctors Wednesday afternoon because he was crying in pain that his ear hurt. No infection, no strep but I kept him home on Thursday just so he could rest up. Good thing I did because today he went to school and came home EXHAUSTED!
Nathan started his fever on Wednesday when we left the doctors. I could see it in his face. My mommy gut was working! His cheeks were pink and he wasn't my bubbly little man. He wasn't eating/drinking. When Nathan gets fevers, they get HIGH too! Thursday night his fever was so high even with medicine. I was so nervous as I was home by myself with the kids (Todd was working). I got him to take some Motrin and it helped him get some sleep for a few hours. Of course by then mommy was worried and couldn't sleep!
Let's just hope Caroline doesn't get this! She has enough to take care of. She has both of her bottom teeth coming through. I swear, they came through overnight! One minute all gums and the next there is a little tooth trying to poke through. Next day, there is another! She has been her normal, happy self too!
Where is spring!? We are definitely ready for a change in temperature and good health!