We left for Philadelphia a day later than anticipated. We loaded up the van and were on the road Wednesday morning. We drove there and got to our hotel just before dinner. We checked into our room and headed to Chili's for dinner. After dinner, we took a walk through downtown Philly! By then, it was 7:30 and everything was closed! We took a walk through Chinatown and down the streets with the stores. In the meantime, we were patiently waiting to hear if CHOP could squeeze Brayden in for at least one of his MRI's, which they did Thursday morning!
Thursday morning Todd and Brayden headed to CHOP for his MRI. While they were gone we walked down to the mall to see if we could find any Eagles stuff! We shopped in the "coolest mall ever" (according to the boys). It had a Toys R Us Express, FYE, Game Stop (AND a subway)...the boys favorite stores! lol! We found some clothes for Caroline, some new sneakers for the boys (who left theirs at home) and some Eagles gear!
We met up with Todd and Brayden for lunch and then took the kids on their (and ours too!) first subway ride! It cost us $15 to go 2 stops and back, but the kids loved it! We actually went down to see the Liberty Bell. Nathan was very interested in why it has a crack in it! We didn't have time to do much else and it was raining so we rode the subway back 2 stops again and ran to the hotel to get ready for the game!
We stopped for a Philly Cheesesteak at Geno's (RIP Geno!) and then headed to the Eagles game! It was a blast! The boys loved hearing the Chant every time they scored. It poured, but we were so high up we were covered! The kids did great and we stayed until the end of the game!
Friday we walked around Franklin Square. The kids played on the playground and we walked around. We ended up leaving around 2 because we wanted to stop for souvenirs. We didn't end up finding much and it ended up taking forever to get home! It was a short little trip, but it was fun!